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Hva er fettsuging?

Many people have unwanted fat that they want to get rid of. Some areas are difficult to train away, and unfortunate fat deposits may be due to lifestyle, hereditary or hormonal factors. Liposuction is not an alternative to dieting, but is very suitable for areas with localized fat deposits that cannot be removed, and to reveal underlying contours.

We use all methods of liposuction. The most common is traditional liposuction, where different types, shapes and sizes of needles are used with suction. This procedure is usually performed under anesthesia and is suitable for removing large amounts of fat, but also for contouring. 

See the separate page on smartlipo and laser liposuction, which is a more gentle technique for removing fat. This can be done while you are awake with painkillers or asleep, and you recover quickly. This procedure is usually suitable for smaller areas and smaller fat deposits, or areas of fat that are harder and more difficult to remove with traditional liposuction. Another advantage is that, with care, the skin can be tightened afterwards if there is loose skin. 

Is liposuction permanent?

You are born with a certain number of fat cells on your body, and these are distributed differently between people and between men and women. For example, men more often store fat on their stomachs, while women store fat on their stomachs, hips and breasts. When you lose weight, the content of fat cells decreases, but the number of fat cells remains the same. 

During liposuction, fat cells are permanently removed from an area where you want less fat, and if you maintain the same weight after the operation, the result will be permanent. 

Can the fat come back where liposuction has been performed? 

If you maintain the same weight, the result should be stable. If, on the other hand, you gain weight and continue to eat as before, excess energy will be stored as fat, but to a greater extent in other areas. It will be stored both in the areas where you have been liposuctioned, as there must always be some fat cells left under the skin, but to a much greater extent in other areas. You will therefore put on more weight in places other than where you have been liposuctioned, but also a little where you have been liposuctioned if you gain weight afterwards.

Common areas to liposuction

  • Mage
  • Flanker
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Inside knees
  • Upper arms
  • Back cushions
  • Inside knees
  • Dobbelthake
  • Jaw line
  • Male breasts
  • Mount Venus (below the edge of the trumpet)

The abdomen is the most common area to liposuction. Dr. Vigen is interested in body contouring surgery and 3D liposuction / high definition lipo, and knows techniques to bring out underlying and more athletic contours. There are many differences between the anatomy of women and men that are important to consider in liposuction, which fat to remove and which to preserve within the different areas. 

If there is a lot of loose skin (abdomen), there may be more loose skin after liposuction and the procedure should then be combined with a tummy tuck (either full or mini tummy tuck) or other firming treatment.

There are specific rules that we are concerned with for how to liposuction women and men to bring out feminine and masculine shapes respectively. 

Liposuction in women

With liposuction in women, the aim is to achieve an hourglass-shaped figure, with a view to contouring the waist and hips. In women, liposuction is often combined with fat grafting to save the fat and use it for more feminine shapes in the breast, face, buttocks or hips (hip dips). It is popular to move fat from one area to another area such as the abdomen and waist to the breast.

Liposuction for men

The abdomen and waist are areas that are genetically difficult to lose weight and where men often store fat. They are therefore the most common areas to liposuction in men as they most often want to bring out the athletic contours of the abdominal muscles and get rid of the "belly ring". Many have less or more fat on the chest and sometimes female shape and some glandular tissue, so in the case of gynecomastia or simple fat deposits on the chest, this is a common area to liposuction to remove fat and improve the contour of the pectoralis muscle.

If there are signs of gynecomastia and glandular development, it can be removed through a small incision at the nipple at the same time.

To remove skin or not at the same time as liposuction?

It is often quite obvious whether you should choose one or the other, but sometimes it becomes a matter of judgment whether to perform a plastic surgery procedure and remove skin, where the scars are placed in an inconspicuous area and stitched using plastic surgery techniques, or whether there is not so much skin that you want scars, and instead have a few small incisions. It is important that the surgeon has experience with all methods and not just one method, and you should discuss this with the plastic surgeon at the consultation and see many before and after pictures of both types of procedures and similar issues so that you know what to expect.

Bestill time

Før operasjon

Om man røyker eller snuser så må man slutte med dette 2-3 uker før operasjon, avhengig av hva slags type operasjon man skal utføre. 

Som ved enhver større operasjon, bør alle medisiner og kosttilskudd som forårsaker økt blødningsrisiko stoppes 2 uker før operasjonen. Se vår liste over medisiner og kosttilskudd du bør unngå. Som alltid, sørg for å sjekke med legen din før du slutter med medisiner.

The week you are scheduled for surgery, it is important that you are well. If you have symptoms of illness, you must contact the clinic so that we can schedule a new day. You should not have surgery when you have symptoms of illness. Before surgery, you will be given a prescription for medication, with information on which tablets to take. 


På selve operasjonsdagen så faster man 6 timer før operasjon. Da er det også viktig at man ikke tygger tyggegummi eller pastiller, snuser eller røyker.  Man skal ikke bruke parfyme, deodorant eller sminke - og piercinger og neglelakk må fjernes. 

It is always a priority for us that you feel well cared for with the very best expertise, in safe and comfortable surroundings. You will be greeted by a nurse who will go through a checklist with you. You will also meet our anesthesia staff who will look after you during the operation. You will then be taken to the surgeon for registration and a preoperative consultation. During the operation, you will be given general anesthesia and a large amount of local anesthesia to limit the pain. The operation itself takes about 1-2 hours. You will be followed up by our nurses in the postoperative period, where you will remain in bed for at least 1 hour after the operation is completed. You will be given food and drink and painkillers as needed. 


På Nordstrandklinikken så har vi kompresjonsplagg fra Nordicare til salgs på klinikken om man ønsker dette. Klinikkoordinator er kurset i oppmåling og alle Nordicare sine produkter, slik at du skal få best mulig kompresjon i plaggene etter operasjon. 

What do I need to consider after liposuction?

Første døgnet etter operasjon så må man være sammen med en annen person og overnatte nær klinikken. Om man skulle ha spørsmål, så vil vår vakttelefon være bemannet hele døgnet. Samme kveld som operasjon vil også vår plastikkirurg ringe pasientene for å høre hvordan det går, og gi informasjon de måtte trenge. 

In terms of pain, this is very individual and varies from person to person. The first time you will feel a little "battered". This will subside in the first week. It is also common that anesthetic fluid may come/run out from the small insertions during the first 24 hours. You can shower after 4 days. The tape on the wound can then be dried with a hairdryer. This tape can be changed for the first time after about 10-12 days. You may be slightly swollen for 1-2 months. During this time, you will also be able to take painkillers that are prescribed on a prescription you pick up before surgery. After a week, you can move around more, but you should still stay still for the first two weeks and avoid heavy lifting. 

In most people, the skin retracts nicely after liposuction, but if you have a lot of excess skin, you should consider having a body contouring procedure at the same time, see separate articles on this. During the consultation, an experienced plastic surgeon will assess what is best in your case.

After surgery, compression garments should be worn around the clock for 2-3 weeks and for the same amount of time during the day afterwards, depending on the area being liposuctioned. This gives a more even result and avoids fluid accumulation. There are small insertions with stitches that fall out on their own. 

Hva er inkludert i prisen?

I prisen man betaler for en operasjon er det inkludert med alt av etterkontroller man skulle ha etter en operasjon. Vi er tilgjengelig for alle våre pasienter, og ønsker at de skal få den tryggeste opplevelsen gjennom hele prosessen. 

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