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Many women come to us for a breast lift after weight loss or after breastfeeding a child. Some people (even at a younger age) may experience asymmetry. If you suffer from sagging breasts, it is often crucial to first restore a round and more supple shape to the breast. In many cases, a lot of volume has been lost, particularly in the upper pole, which can be corrected with the simultaneous or subsequent insertion of an implant. A combination of breast lift and prosthesis may be appropriate if the breast hangs a lot or if you want more fullness in the breast in addition to the lift. 

Minor sagging can sometimes be corrected with lifting and sometimes with anatomical prostheses that lift the lower pole, depending on the starting point, desired size and volume, and desired shape. If the nipple hangs clearly below the fold, the nipple needs to be lifted and the breast tightened. Some terms that are used to mean the same thing: breast lift, mastopexy, uplift.

3D visualization of breast lift

At the consultation, you can have a 3D visualization of what it will look like with a breast lift, as well as with different types of implants if you want implants, see the separate information page on breast lift with implants.

How is a breast lift performed?

A breast lift is usually performed by tightening and removing the excess skin, repositioning the nipple and shaping the glandular tissue.

A breast lift is a surgical technique that lifts the nipples and reshapes the breast to a higher point on the chest wall. Whether you have congenitally sagging breasts or your breast shape has simply changed and dropped due to age, weight changes or pregnancy, a breast lift will help revitalize your breasts, creating a rounder and more resilient shape and restoring a more youthful contour to your upper body.

During your consultation, you'll be asked exactly what you want and what you don't like about your breasts, and a treatment plan will be created to help you achieve your desired breast shape. This may involve a breast lift alone or a breast lift with implants if there is a need to replace lost breast volume.

Dr. Vigen has worked as a consultant in breast reconstruction for many years and has attended many congresses and visits around the world, bringing home the latest treatment methods. It is important to understand the importance of providing the least conspicuous incision lines possible. One of the ways to do this is by choosing the right incision type for each individual anatomy. The three types of incisions used for a breast lift are:

Keyhole cut (Lollipop technique)

This is the most common incision and begins with a periareolar incision and then goes vertically from the bottom of the areola to the bottom of the breast to rotate the glandular tissue from each side.

Anchor incision

This incision follows the same path as a keyhole incision, but also runs horizontally along the breastplate in both directions for a short distance if there is an excess of skin here.

Periareolar incision

The periareolar incision is not used as often, but goes around the nipple and the scar is placed close to the nipple to minimize its visibility. While this incision can provide excellent scar healing, it can also disrupt the milk ducts and glands, which can affect your ability to breastfeed in the future.

After making the incisions, Dr. Vigen will then reshape the breast tissue to create a rounder, fuller breast, while lifting the nipple to a higher position on the torso, restoring a fresher, younger profile.


One of the most common concerns for women seeking a breast lift is the scars. The reality is that every surgical procedure is going to leave some sort of scar. It's a trade off for getting the breast lift and removing excess skin. With good plastic surgery technique and newer scar treatment methods, the scars can become almost invisible. The scars usually run around the nipple and down to the crease, sometimes also in the crease if there is excess skin here.

Breast lift with implant 

When there is not enough desired volume in the sagging breast, it may be necessary to insert an implant (a prosthesis) during a breast lift.

This is clarified during a thorough consultation that takes into account the remaining breast volume and your wishes (see Breast lift combined with breast prosthesis).

Can I breastfeed after a breast lift?

We use a technique where the glandular tissue behind the nipple is retained and no incision is made directly behind the nipple. You should therefore be able to breastfeed after a breast lift. There are breast lift techniques where the nipple is circulated by only a small stalk and you cannot breastfeed, but we do not use these methods in people of childbearing age and rarely in the elderly without talking about it. However, you can't say with absolute certainty that you can breastfeed, and we know that if you look at all methods together, they can reduce your ability to breastfeed, which is why we recommend that those who can (who have fewer physical problems) wait until after they have had a child before having a breast lift.

In the case of major breast deformities and tubular breasts or other conditions, it may be necessary to use methods that make breastfeeding more difficult, but the plastic surgeon will inform you about this and discuss it during the consultation. 

Breast lift before and after photos

Unfortunately, we are not allowed in Norway to show before and after pictures online as information, but you can see many pictures of patients who have approved it at the consultation. This will help you understand your options and enable you to set realistic goals for your own surgical outcome.

We offer 3D simulation

What if you could look in a mirror before a procedure and see the result right then! At Nordstrandklinikken, this is actually possible with the help of Arbrea. Arbrea and their 3D technology will help you make the right choice, as you can see all the options you have to choose from in advance. Magic! And not least reassuring and educational. With Arbrea, you make the right choice. Simple, fast and secure.

We offer 3D simulation

No-obligation consultation 

We are concerned about your safety, which is why we always have a consultation before starting a treatment. We will give you qualified information about the different treatments and find out which treatment is best for you. 

If you want to read more about different types of breast surgery, as this can help you understand the differences better - you can take a closer look at these links:

To get qualified information and answers to your questions, we always recommend contacting us to make an appointment for a non-binding consultation. 

Bestill time

Før operasjon

As with any major surgery, all medications and supplements that cause an increased risk of bleeding should be stopped 2 weeks before surgery. See our list of medications and supplements to avoid. As always, be sure to check with your doctor before stopping any medication. If you smoke or snuff, you must stop 6-8 weeks before surgery, depending on the type of surgery you are having. The week you are scheduled for surgery, it is important that you have recovered. If you have symptoms of illness, you must contact the clinic so that we can schedule a new day. You should not have surgery when you have symptoms of illness. Before the operation, you will be given a prescription for medication, with information about which tablets to take and what preparations to make at home.

Hva skjer operasjonsdagen?

On the day of the operation, you fast for 6 hours before surgery. It is also important that you do not chew gum or lozenges. You should not use perfume, deodorant or makeup - and piercings and nail polish must be removed. It is always a priority for us that you feel well cared for with the very best expertise, in safe and comfortable surroundings. You will be greeted by a nurse who will go through a checklist with you. You will also meet our anesthesia staff who will look after you during the operation. You will then be taken to the surgeon for registration and a preoperative consultation. During the operation, you will be given general anesthesia and a local anesthetic to limit the pain. The operation itself takes about 2 - 2.5 hours. Post-operatively, you will be followed up by our nurses, where you will remain in bed for at least 1 hour after the operation is completed. You will be given food and drink and painkillers as needed. 

What do I need to consider after a breast lift?

It's normal to feel some soreness and sensitivity in the first few days after your breast lift. You may also have some areas of numbness, but these will gradually improve over time. Most women should plan to take at least a week off work. After surgery, you must refrain from any rigorous activity for the first 2 weeks, and you should not lift anything heavier than 5-10 kg. You will need to wear a support bra for 6 weeks. 3 weeks day and night and then 3 weeks during the day. You can shower after 4 days. The tape on the wound can then be dried with a hairdryer. This tape can be changed for the first time after about 10-12 days. It should be changed weekly for 3-4 months to keep the scar as neat as possible. You can start light exercise 2 weeks after surgery, but should avoid chest exercises such as push-ups. You can start more intense exercise after 4 weeks, and can resume full activity 6 weeks after surgery. Most women can see their final breast lift results within 2 to 4 months, but scars can take up to a year to fully heal and fade.


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